Disney Tower of Terror Fight calls to question amusement park safety.
Warning: video contains strong language (ages 18+). You can play the video without sound.
The video shows a man cursing and hitting a security officer at Disneyland in California. This video brings up several topics and questions. Questions for park guests to consider: If someone in the park can act out to this degree and extent, how safe are guests? Are park officials and employees ready for a larger danger or natural disaster? A lesson in individual responsibility. Have your camera ready, know what to do in an emergency at an amusement park, and know the law.
The following resources provide tips for safety in public spaces.
"The LAPD (Los Angeles Police Department) is dedicated to enhancing public safety and reducing the fear and the incidence of crime...there are many things each and every community member can do to reduce his or her chances of becoming a victim...We urge you to familiarize yourself with the information contained in this section and to make crime prevention a part of your life."
"The LAPD (Los Angeles Police Department) is dedicated to enhancing public safety and reducing the fear and the incidence of crime...there are many things each and every community member can do to reduce his or her chances of becoming a victim...We urge you to familiarize yourself with the information contained in this section and to make crime prevention a part of your life."
"Crime Stoppers USA is the national Crime Stoppers organization that spans the United States to create a network of local programs that work together to prevent and solve crimes in communities and schools across the nation."
"If You See Something, Say Something®" is a national campaign that raises public awareness of the indicators of terrorism and terrorism-related crime, as well as the importance of reporting suspicious activity to state and local law enforcement."
"Human trafficking is among the world's fastest growing criminal enterprises...It is a form of modern day slavery that profits from the exploitation of our most vulnerable populations. It involves controlling a person or group through force, fraud, or coercion to exploit the victims for forced labor, sexual exploitation, or both. Human trafficking strips victims of their freedom and violates our nation's promise that every person in the United States is guaranteed basic human rights" (State of California Department of Justice).
Megan's Law
"The California Sex and Arson Registry is the source of sex offender information displayed on this website. This database contains registration information provided by the offender to local law enforcement agencies. This website indicates that some of the registrants are currently in violation of their registration requirements."
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Credits: youtube.com/watch?v=DGmwxbSGG1s, Pexels.com, Scott Webb, Michelle Delgadillo
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