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Rent-A-Rican: Blowout! Featuring Nino Alicea, Jesse Bluma, Alex Linares, Douglas Johnson, Gato Salazar, and Barry J. Holmes

Rent-A-Rican: Blowout!

Are you having one of those days?
Your Rent-A-Rican is on the way.

I had an excellent time shooting with the cast and crew.  We filmed early in February on a Saturday.  Luckily I made it for the shoot, despite lots of construction and traffic jams on the freeway.  Once the cast and crew arrived we looked at the storyboard, revealing what we would do in each scene.  Shots were then blocked, cameras set, deflectors readied (same as those used in photo shoots to bounce light), and actors placed.  We were then given notes and final directions.  We shot some in sequence and some out of sequence.  Then in editing scenes were placed in order, and some ended up on the cutting room floor.  I wonder what the next episode will be about!     

"Rent-A-Rican" has become a popular series on the Internet, making it in the Huffington Post among others.  This is an accomplishment against a lot of competition, as thousands of videos are posted online everyday.  My friend, Nino Alicea, and the other actors in the video make us think about how we perceive Puerto Ricans and ourselves.  A lesson in oversimplification couched in humor.  All too often we oversimplify what we choose to see in others, in the mirror, and how we see the world.  Generalizing that caucasians host boring parties or that Puerto Ricans are entertainment does no one any favor.

Producing, Filming, and Directing
Gato Salazar (left) and Barry J. Holmes (right)

Script supervisor (and my dance partner)

See the first episode in the series

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Photo credits:
Alex Linares and

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Jesse Bluma at PointeViven

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Jesse Bluma at Point Viven liberates taste in cookery, culture, and community, provides gourmet goods made with organic ingredients, inspired by the culinary worlds of California, Central, and South America, and engages in a community of customers and readers with lifestyle content, reviews, and expertise. Use and redistribution of original content allowed only with explicit permission of site owner and author.